Almonds are good for you, but do you know when not to eat them?
Almonds contain 2 amino acids Lysine and Arginine and are very beneficial to the body and mind in a number of ways. However, if you have a cold sore herpes virus in the lip or are susceptible to getting a cold sore almonds would be a poor choice for your diet. Lysine helps heal and prevent cold sores while arginine triggers them. Foods low in the lysine to arinine ratio will promote the growth of the cold sore and almonds are one of these foods. ____________________________________________________________________________________ The cold sore starts when a virus particle enters a nerve cell at the surface and forces it to create new virus. It will then explode the cell to release the cloned virus thus creating a huge open wound. One of the main ingredients the cell must have to create new herpes virus is arginine. Your cells have special receptors that they use to store arginine. The same receptors are used to store lysine. Lysine is a protein that cannot be used to create new virus. If you have a diet rich in lysine, your cells will discard some arginine to store more lysine. The herpes virus, looking to clone itself, will avoid the cells that cannot support the cloning process. Whenever your cells have a higher lysine than arginine content, it discourages creation of new virus. This often sends the herpes virus back into a latent state. You will not get a cold sore if the cells cannot create virus. Source: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Almonds are a great source of protein and fat any other time though and when combined with garbonzo beans they form a complete protein source. They do not on their own contain all 9 essential amino acids but compliment each other well.
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